What does “Hallelujah” mean?

hal – ē̇ – loo´ya ( הללוּ־יהּ , halelū – yāh , “praise ye Yah”; ἁλληλουιά , allēlouiá ): Originally the word ‘hallelujah’ was a combination of parts of two Hebrew words, meaning ‘praise’ and ‘Jehovah’ (‘Yahweh’). It has been transliterated into Greek and English as ‘hallelujah’ and means ‘praise the Lord’. It was used mainly to open or close hymns of praise in public worship ( Psalm 106:1;  Psalm 106:48;  Psalm 112:1;  Psalm 113:1;  Psalm 115:18;  Psalm 146:1;  Psalm 146:10;  Psalm 147:1;  Psalm 147:20; Psalm 150;  Revelation 19:1;  Revelation 19:3-4;  Revelation 19:6; ).

The word is not a compound, like many of the Hebrew words which are composed of the abbreviated form of “Yahweh” and some other word, but has become a compound word in the Greek and other languages. Even if the Jews perhaps had become accustomed to use it as a compound, it is never written as such in the text. In some Psalms, Hallelujah is an integral part of the song (  Psalm 135:3 ), while in others it simply serves as a liturgical interjection found either at the beginning ( Psalm 111:1-10 ) or at the close (Ps 104) of the psalms or both ( Psalm 146:1-10 ).

The Hallelujah Psalms are found in three groups: Psalm 104 through 106; Psalm 111 through 113; Psalm 146 through 150. In the first group, Hallelujah is found at the close of the psalm as a lit. interjection ( Psalm 106:1 is an integral part of the psalm). In the second group, Hallelujah is found at the beginning (  Psalm 113:9 is an integral part of the psalm depending on the adjective “joyful”). In the third group, Hallelujah is found both at the close and at the beginning of the psalms. In all other cases, (Psalm 115; Psalm 116; Psalm 117:1-2 ) Hallelujah seems to be an integral part of the psalms. These three groups were probably taken from an older collection of psalms like the group Psalm 120 through 134.

In the New Testament Hallelujah is found as part of the song of the heavenly host ( Revelation 19:1 ). The word is preserved as a liturgical interjection by the Christian church generally.

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