What Does the Bible Say about Church Anniversaries?

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Every year, some evangelical churches celebrate God’s goodness to them by holding church anniversaries or thanksgiving services. The Bible is silent about anniversaries in particular. However, there are a few principles we can see in Scriptures that does not forbid such celebrations.

In Psalm 90:12, the writer asks God to teach him to “number his days.” This literally means to take note or remember certain memorable days in our lives. The remainder part of the verse says “that we may apply our hearts into wisdom.” This means the purpose of these celebrations, including birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc. is for us to remember God’s goodness and ask Him for wisdom in the future.

Does your church hold anniversary services? If we look at the biblical principles, there is nothing wrong with that as long as the purpose is clear – to thank God for His goodness, and seek wisdom.

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