What Does the Bible Say about Fellowship?

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

God created humans as social beings. We think we can survive on our own, but in fact we need each other because we are imperfect. Those who have trusted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior also need to bond with one another. This will help them grow, be mature and endure this cruel world together.

The institution that God ordained where His children would love and serve one another is His church. It is in the church that fellowship takes place, whether while worshipping and singing praises to God, serving other people, or even while enjoying some snacks and talking over coffee.

The Bible values fellowship and unity between brethren in Christ. That is why the Apostle Paul mentions in Galatians that our freedom is not for our own selves, but for others.

What are the Bible verses that talk about fellowship?

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