What Does the Bible Say about Having a Servant’s Heart?

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

One day during the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, two of His disciples went to Him and asked a favor. They wanted to sit on either side of the throne of Jesus when He ascends on His throne. Apparently, they thought they have what it takes to be great and seated beside the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Jesus replied that greatness in this world is different from the greatness He recognizes. In order for any man to be great in the sight of the Lord, he should become a servant. Certainly, the two disciples did not get it at that time. They wanted to do something, but they want something in return.

Having a servant’s heart is not expecting anything in return. It is a heart that continues to give even if it ends up completely empty. Again, the ultimate example is Jesus, who gave His all just for sinful humanity can have hope.

What other verses show us that it is good to have a servant’s heart?

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