What Does the Bible Say about Honoring Your Parents?

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The Bible teaches that man has been given a set of rules in order to live peaceably with God and with other men. One of these laws concern children and how they treat their parents. Why did you think God commanded for children to obey and honor their parents? That’s because they have the natural inclination to rebel and be disobedient.

Honoring is not just obeying. It involves love and respect, and both these factors should not disappear just because the child has reached adulthood. Honoring our parents is a lifelong task that any child should follow.

Scriptures show that honoring one’s parents is the first law that has an attached promise to it. What’s the promise? A child who will be obedient and give honor to his parents will live a long and blessed life.

What are the verses that pertain to honoring your parents?

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