What Does the Bible Say about Learning?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

As far as the Bible is concerned, there are two types of “learning”. One is philosophical or theoretical learning, and the other is practical learning. The first kind of learning is knowing how to do or not to do certain things and activities. It is important to listen to teachers and read books in order to learn in this manner.

Meanwhile, the second kind of learning can only be achieved once the person who has learned the idea or principle managed to apply in his life what he learned. Jesus Christ himself made the distinction in His parable of the wise and foolish man.

Anyone who listens to His word and applies what he learned is like a wise man who builds his house on a solid foundation. On the other hand, anyone who listens to His teachings but does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand – a very poor foundation.

Which verses talk about learning?

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