What Does the Bible Say about Life?

Photo by Ümit Yıldırım on Unsplash

If someone was to pick the Bible to know more about life, he would only discover that in order to know life, he should know God first. God is the giver and source of life, and all created creatures, humans included, should recognize and appreciate that fact.

If a motivational book about life describes it as a pursuit for success and happiness, the Scriptures describe life as an opportunity to know God, serve Him and others. This message only becomes more important as we come to understand that life is short. The Bible compares it to vapor or withered grass and flowers. We don’t have much time so we should make the most of it and invest in eternal rewards.

Everlasting or eternal life is also talked about in the Bible, but this life can only be found in the Son, Jesus Christ. It is through Him that mankind has the opportunity to receive this free gift, if only he would admit his inabilities, and accept Jesus as his Savior.

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