What Does the Bible Say about Long Distance Relationships?

Photo by Eva Darron on Unsplash

The Bible does not exactly tell any stories of couples living apart from one another. However, the principles of loyalty and commitment are very prominent in the entire Scriptures. Even though man chose to move away from God, and even refused the chances He was giving him, God did not easily give up.

So as we can see, this “relationship” between God and man is somewhat “long distance” as well, right? The Bible says sin has kept mankind far from God, yet even in such a dire situation, He still commended His love for everyone. This love was exemplified in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As we read the Bible and be amazed of God’s love, and His effort in rebuilding that strained relationship with man, we also need to ensure that whatever relationship we are in, we must stay loyal and committed to it.

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