What Does the Bible Say about Seeking God?

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Some of life’s most burning questions include “why are we here?” and “where are we going?” and people often search for answers in this world. However, the answer can only be found in God, because it was He who created us.

So how do you find the answers from God? A person who wants to know these things should desire to know God first. How does one seek God? God can only be known through the Bible, and not any other. The good news is that God won’t hide Himself from those who truly and diligently seek Him.

However, there is one barrier that may hinder man from finding God and meaning in life. That barrier is sin. But thanks be to God who gave His only begotten Son to break down the barrier and usher reconciliation between the Father and mankind.

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