What Does the Bible Say about Sovereignty?

Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

The term may not be too popular among non-Bible readers except those who are familiar with the monarchy system of government. During the time of kings and queens, sovereignty meant having full dominion and control of the entire realm. No one can question, and no one can undermine.

However, in the Bible, its meaning is a little different because it only applies to God. As the Creator and Head of all things, He has the power and capacity to oversee everything that happens. Although man has the power of choice, God uses these choices to ultimately push His goal for everyone.

God’s sovereignty can be seen best in the problems and sufferings of this life. Although these are difficult times, somewhere behind the scenes God is working to make things work for the better. It is His sovereignty that we should trust and put our faith in, no matter what.

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