What Does the Bible Say about the New Year?

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

Every January, the whole world celebrates the New Year, looking back at the past year full of trials and blessings, and looking forward to a year of promises and opportunity. But what does the Bible say about it?

In the Pentateuch, the Law of Moses instructed the Israelites to make Abib (March-April) to be its first month. Why? This is when they will celebrate what God did for them when He rescued them out of the land of Egypt. In the 14th day of the month, they will remember that God preserved their firstborn children when the Angel of Death passed in Egypt.

Considering this truth from the Scriptures, the idea of the New Year for us would be biblical if we remember God’s goodness in the past year, and our obligation to follow Him in the coming year.

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