What Does the Bible Say about Widows and Orphans?

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

In ancient times, widows and orphans are among the poorest people in any given town or city. Why? That’s because women were not allowed to have the usual work that men have, and if a woman’s husband dies, and he did not have any near kinsman to support the widow, then she would solely depend on what the people would give her.

The orphan is the same – he or she cannot support himself because he cannot be accepted in any kind of work. This is why God made provisions in the Mosaic Law of the Israelites to help support and feed these people.

In the New Testament, the early church was also reminded not to forget the ministry for the widows and orphans. They may be faithful servants in the church, but without doing these responsibilities, their service would be lacking.

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