Many posts in January 2024 emphasized that New Jerusalem is spiritual; it is not a physical city. All the characteristics of New Jerusalem must be interpreted spiritually; they should not be understood or explained in comparison with current human buildings and cities.
First Corinthians 2:9 touches this same line. “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard and which have not come up in man’s heart; things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
New Jerusalem is a living organism beyond the scope of human eyes, ears, and imaginations. It is a divine mystery which was hidden in past ages but which God desires now to reveal to us (Rom. 16:25; Eph. 1:9, 3:9, 5:32; Col. 1:26-27).
God had this mystery hidden in Himself before He created the universe. Now He will grant us “a spirit of wisdom and revelation” that we may be enabled to see and grasp this mystery. Even more, this mystery is being wrought into out being. This is the divine supply which “causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16).
This building progresses in those who love God, who love the Lord Jesus. The building up is “in love.” This constitutes us to be New Jerusalem, “the bride, the wife of the Lamb” (Rev. 21:9), to live an eternal marriage in love.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about What God Prepared for Those Who Love Him.