What Has God Destined for Me?

Destiny Has a Place

Moses was in the backside of the desert for 40 years tending to the sheep of his father in law, Jethro.

It was in this dry, barren, hot, back of nowhere, arid place that God turned up to launch Moses as the leader of one of the greatest emancipation programs ever.

The BURNING BUSH was right there in the burning hot desert.

Moses could have thought:

God had forgotten Him
God had forsaken Him
God was punishing Him
God had rejected Him
God had missed Him
God could not see Him
God could not hear Him
God did not care about Him

He was in the desert, in the back of nowhere with sheep, doing something unrelated to his destiny. He probably wondered why he had been marked early on in life, but now found himself in that place…

It was lonely.
It was not in the limelight.
It was dry, barren, and arid.

Do you ever feel you are in that place?

The truth is we all come to that place at one time or another, but it is in that place…

1. God is preparing you for what He has already prepared for you.
2. God is doing a work in you in order to do a great work through you.
3. More is going on than what you see or know.
4. You are learning to trust God in the midst of your circumstances.
5. You are developing strength and courage for the adventure ahead.


Don’t give up
Don’t run away
Don’t be despondent
Keep trusting God
Keep believing God
Keep honoring God
Keep growing in God
Keep submitting to leadership
Keep doing what you know to do

Look for the burning bush in the midst of your desert. He is right there.

He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Christine Caine
Australian activist, evangelist and international speaker.

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