What The Bible Says About Prayer – Part 3 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

What The Bible Says About Prayer – Part 3

In Part 1 we began to look at what the Bible says about prayer, in terms of our relationship with God. 

In Part 2 we continued to look at what the Bible says about prayer.  And what God wants it to be, in terms of our fellowship with Him. A key part of prayer is that it is intimate communication between God the Father and His beloved children.

Now in What The Bible Says About Prayer Part 3 we will continue to look at what prayer is designed to be. And we will look at the great power and possibilities of prayer.

What The Bible Says About Prayer – Part 3

Intimacy With God Comes As You Desire & Seek To Know Him

It would be good for you to read and study “Are You Seeking God ?“. Prayer is about having a hunger for God, and seeking God with all of your heart.

The Greek words for Pray or Prayer mean: to want, to desire, to long for, to ask or beg; great poverty or lack or need; a seeking or asking of God ; to pray earnestly or fervently

The Hebrew & Greek words for Seek mean: to seek the face of God, to desire, to examine or explore, to seek earnestly, to diligently search for, to crave, to investigate, to pursue

“I will give them a heart to know me.” — Jeremiah 24:7

God needs to touch all of our hearts so that He is our First Love, our Treasure, and our Passion. And so that we will seek to know Him more and more. And know His heart, and His desires, and His will.

Prayer & Time With God Is Vital to Growing Closer to God

“I do not ask on behalf of these alone , but for those also who believe in Me through their word ; that they may all be one. Even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You , that they also may be in Us ,so that the world may believe that You sent Me.” – John 17:20-21 

Spending quality time with God developing your fellowship with Him will change you. As you spend time daily in fellowship with God and prayer, and reading God’s word and obeying, God will change you. He will change your heart. He will change the way you see things and people.

“So he (Moses) was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments. It came about when Moses was coming down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the testimony were in Moses’ hand as he was coming down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with Him.  – Exodus 34:28-30

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son.”  – Romans 8:28-29

Prayer is designed more to adjust you to God, than to adjust God to you & your desires.”    – Oswald Chambers

The time a Christian gives to prayer & fellowship with God is not meant for his/her carnal or natural life, but to nourish the life of Jesus in him/her.” – Oswald Chambers

What The Bible Says About Prayer – Part 3 Continued

Close Fellowship With God And Prayer Is The Key to Unlock God’s Power

It is not the act of prayer itself that is the key to unlocking God’s power. Many people and churches perform the act of prayer, but yet they are dead. And they never the see the great acts and power of God. When you have a close and right fellowship with God, and unity with God, you will then have a powerful prayer life. Then you will see God’s great power for changing others and the world around you. Focus and concentrate on your fellowship with God first.

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16b

Anyone who takes the time to enter into an intimate love relationship with God can see God do extraordinary things through his or her life.”         – Experiencing God

The closer you get to God, the greater the impact you will have on others’ lives.              – Top Gun Training

To be little with God is to be little for God.”    – E.M. Bounds

In the next article, Part 4, we will finish looking into What The Bible Says About Prayer. And what God intended prayer to be.

Pursuing Intimacy With God

Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.

There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.

** New Expanded Edition of Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible Studies Book – 40% more material

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Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about prayer.

By Crossmap Blogs

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