What The Bible Says About Prayer – Pursuing Intimacy With God

What The Bible Says About Prayer

This 4 part series of articles is about prayer. It will help you to see what the Bible says about prayer. Many people think about prayer as a religious discipline. Or something that a good Christian needs to do. Or a way to get what you want or need from God. This series of articles will help you to understand what God intended prayer to be. It is more about our relationship and fellowship with God than it is about religion. Or about getting things from God.

What The Bible Says About Prayer

Why Do Many Christians Not Spend Much Time In Prayer ?

Why do you think many Christians do not pray and spend quality time with God daily ? And why do so many Christians not  follow Jesus’ example of spending much time in prayer ? Some are too busy, and some have the wrong priorities. And some are living for self and not for God. For others the cares of the world have crowded in and robbed them of the joy of having intimate fellowship with God.

Some have a lack of discipline that would lead them to have a regular time of prayer and fellowship with God. Others lack faith. And some are living in disobedience, and are far from God.  For some the reason is that they don’t know how to pray and have fellowship with God. And many have a wrong understanding of who God is.

Many people do not understand and realize that God is love relationship oriented. His heart’s desire is to have close and intimate fellowship with His beloved children. Many do not understand that being a Christian is all about having a growing love relationship with the One who loves them completely and unconditionally.  They do not understand that it is not about being religious. It is all about having a relationship and fellowship with God.

What The Bible Says About Prayer

Prayer Is Vital To Having Intimate Fellowship With God

We need to understand what God’s main call for your life is. 1 Corinthians 1:9 tells us “God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” This verse uses the Greek word “koinania” for fellowship. In many verses that use the word koinania in the Bible it is referring to the close fellowship and unity between members of the church. In this verse koinania is talking about God’s call for us to have fellowship with Him through His Son Jesus.

The best definition of “koinania” fellowship with God is: “the fullest possible fellowship with God, and unity with God, and also a partnership with God in His kingdom work and mission.”

“Koinania” Fellowship With God

The type of koinania fellowship that God desired for us to have with Him has 3 parts. The first part is to have the closest possible fellowship between God our Father and His beloved children. This type of close fellowship with God does not happen quickly. It is developed over a long period of time. And it takes consistent effort in having a daily time of prayer and Bible study.

The 2nd part of “koinania” fellowship with God is to have complete unity with Him. Complete unity with God is to have the same heart as God. Our hearts naturally are not anything like God’s. God’s heart is pure and holy, and full of selfless “agape” love. Ours are unholy and impure, filled with unholy and selfish desires and interested. Having the same hearts as God is to be “a person after God’s heart”, as David was described. It means full surrender of your self to God. And full surrender of your desires, your will, your dreams…

The 3rd part of “koinania” fellowship with God is to have a partnership with God in His kingdom work and mission. Once you are well on your way to having close fellowship with God and unity with Him, then God will invite you to join Him in what He is doing in the world. He will invite you to have a partnership with Him in which He will actually do His kingdom work through you. This is truly a great privilege and honor.

Always remember that the greatest desire in God’s heart is for you to have a

growing and intimate love relationship and daily fellowship with Him

In Part 2 of What The Bible Says About Prayer we will dive further into God’s word to understand what God has designed prayer to be.

Pursuing Intimacy With God

Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God, your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.

There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.

** New Expanded Edition of Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible Studies Book – 40% more material

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Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about prayer

By Crossmap Blogs

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