Who is the Core of My Existence

Psalm 139:23-24

Examine me, O God, and probe my thoughts.
Test me and know my concerns.
See if there is any idolatrous way in me,
and lead me in the everlasting way.  


Everyday we face the realities of this world. Of course because we live in this world, for now. Everyday we are compelled to make choices from the smallest decisions such as what bus to take, what route to follow, what food to eat, then the big ones that make an impact in our lifetime and even in our eternal life.

With the kind of world we live in today, the fast pacing life, the needs and the wants that we desire, our jobs, studies, businesses, finances, our goals, hobbies, travel plans, causes and advocacies, the people around us – all of these shape the kind of person that we are that ultimately, out of it, we determined our top priorities that become the basis and guide of our day-to-day choices.

Having all of these in place are beneficial, but the question that we will ponder today, where is God in every decision we make? Is God still the core of our lives? Is the basis of our daily choices come out of faith and trusting in the Lord, or do we do it to please people, for acquiring certain things? And if you have been serving in the ministry, is God still the center of our service?

In today’s daily bread, we encourage you to take a moment and assess what is truly in our hearts right now.  Are there any “idols” that replaces the throne of God in our hearts?

Let this be our prayer today, to let God search our deeper hearts and thoughts, ask the Lord to reveal the true state of the heart, lay it to Christ today and receive His blessing of forgiveness. May we have the genuine hearts to open up to God, to ask for His guidance and lead us to the path where our desires will be centered to Him, that we may think of things above, fix our eyes on Christ, and live for the eternal causes of God’s kingdom, while we joyfully wait for Him.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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