Rebekah (rḗ – bek´a, רבקה, ribhḳāh; Septuagint and New Testament Ῥεβέκκα, Rhébekka, the usual English spelling Rebecca) was wife of Isaac, mother of Esau and Jacob. She was the daughter of Bethuel, granddaughter of Milcah and Nahor, the brother of Abraham.
Becomes Isaac’s wife
The well-known story of the facts leading up to the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah is told in Genesis 24:1-67, and gives valuable information as to early marriage customs. Isaac is not consulted. Abraham’s servant Eliezer ( Genesis 15:2 ) is sent to seek for a wife among his master’s kinsfolk. The servant proceeds to the ‘city of Nahor’ (Haran), and, arriving at the gate of the city, waits by the well till the women come out to draw water ( Genesis 15:11 ). He prays that God may prosper him and give him a sign by which he may recognize the woman God has set apart for Isaac. Rebekah comes out and offers to draw water for the stranger and his camels. The servant loads her with gifts, and her family, led by her brother Laban, being convinced of Abraham’s wealth, and recognizing the will of Heaven in the selection, agrees to the marriage. Rebekah returns with the servant and becomes Isaac’s wife (Genesis 24:67).
Mother of Esau and Jacob
In Genesis 25:21 we are told that Rebekah, like many other favorite wives of the OT ( e.g. Sarah, Rachel, Hannah), was at first barren, but in answer to Isaac’s prayer Jacob and Esau were born ( Genesis 25:24-26 ). Before their birth Rebekah received the oracle from God, that two nations were in her womb and that the elder should serve the younger ( Genesis 25:23 ).
Passes as Isaac’s sister
Rebekah again comes before us during Isaac’s sojourn in Gerar ( Genesis 26:6-11). Fearing lest the beauty of his wife might excite the desire of the king of Gerar and so lead to his own death, Isaac passed her off as his sister a course of action which led him into difficulties with Abimelech ( Genesis 26:10 ).
Helps Jacob to Receive Isaac’s Blessings
The destiny of Jacob, her favorite son, was strongly influenced by his strong-minded mother. She was the author of the treacherous plan by which Jacob deprived Esau of his father’s blessing ( Genesis 27:1-46 ). She advised him to flee from his home to her brother Laban ( Genesis 27:43-45 ). In Genesis 28:1 f., however, the motive of the journey is that he might take a wife from the family of his mother, in contrast to Esau, who had grieved his parents by taking a wife from among the Canaanites ( Genesis 26:34-35 ).
Rebekah died before Jacob’s return from Haran, and her burial at Machpelah is mentioned in Genesis 49:31. The death and burial of Deborah, the nurse of Rebekah, who had followed her from Haran ( Genesis 24:59 ), are reported to have taken place after Jacob had returned to Canaan ( Genesis 35:8 ).
Character of Rebekah
The character of Rebekah has a peculiar charm and fascination. Appearing first as a pure, unselfish, loving girl, she becomes a woman of great strength of mind and depth of character. She is clever, active, energetic. She can make plans and carry them out, give orders and expect them to be obeyed, but her masterful spirit cannot brook opposition or contradiction. Esau’s wives vex her beyond measure. When she loves, she loves with all her soul, and will spare no pains, consider no consequences, or grudge any sacrifice for those she loves. ‘Upon me be thy curse, my son’ ( Genesis 27:13 ), is her answer to Jacob when he fears that a curse will fall on his deception. Although that curse fell and her beloved son had to flee and she saw his face no more, yet we forget the scheming, plotting woman in the loving wife and self-sacrificing mother.
Rebekah (Rebecca) in Nave’s Topical Bible
- The daughter of Bethuel, the grandniece of Abraham
Genesis 22:20-23 - Becomes Isaac’s wife
Genesis 24:15-67, 25:20 - Mother of Esau and Jacob
Genesis 25:21-28 - Passes as Isaac’s sister
Genesis 26:6-11 - Displeased with Esau’s wives
Genesis 26:34,35 - Prompts Jacob to deceive Isaac
Genesis 27:5-29 - Sends Jacob to Laban, her brother
Genesis 27:42-46 - Burial place of
Genesis 49:31 - Called REBECCA
Romans 9:10