“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” GALATIANS 6:7
One of the greatest lies of Satan that we are practically living out is that choices have no consequences. The world constantly tells us to do whatever makes us happy. They tell us it’s okay to do what you want, as long as you don’t hurt anyone. But is it really what God calls us to do? Remember, God calls us not to be happy and comfortable. He calls us to honor Him, and everything else will follow. The Bible also reminds us that consequences may not happen immediately, but it will surely come down to us in a matter of days, months, or even years.
All of us may encounter different temptations in life, whether power, money, sex, vices, or even people. These appetites are not necessarily wrong, but it becomes a sin when we act on them when we choose to fall into the trap of the enemy. The Scripture tells us not to be deceived, for God is not mocked. This means that we should not think that God’s forgiveness can cancel the consequences of our choices. It is true that when we come to Him, we are forgiven, but we cannot trick God into sparing us from the consequences of our sins just because we said sorry.
It says in the Bible that whatever we sow, we also reap. This means that God loves us enough to give us the freedom to make our own choices, but we cannot choose the outcome of our wrong decisions. The choices we make every day shape the person we want to be. So if we decide always to please God, we must expect that we will grow into being more like Jesus. He also promises that eternal blessings wait for those who consistently make wise and godly choices.
If you are one of the people who has made several wrong choices in life, it is never too late to come to Him with a repentant heart. He will surely redeem what has been broken, and He will create in you a new heart. So today, make a choice: would you please God and reap blessings instead? Or would you satisfy your wants and desires, to reap curses in the future?