You are a Masterpiece – Psalm 139:14

“There’s as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the typical galaxy. We are, each of us, a little universe.” ―Neil deGrasse Tyson, Cosmos

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” PSALM 139:14

It’s crazy how much the world has distorted how you view yourself. Think about snowflakes. No two snowflakes are ever the same. And if you look closely, there is so much detail in that little thing. 

If God has put so much detail in a snowflake, what makes you think you are any less important? Scientifically speaking, even the atoms in a single molecule of our DNA scream “miracle” and “beautiful.”

It must have broken God’s heart knowing that you, whom He created so dearly, look at yourself as a disappointment and failure. I know you do not feel worthy today and that you do not feel equipped with what God has called you to do.

That’s okay. It is not every day that we feel strong and confident with who we are. However, His love for you doesn’t depend on how you think. 

Always remember that you do not have to seek other people’s approval. It is not your responsibility to make them like you. In His eyes, you are whole and worthy, despite your flaws, hurts, and sins.

To Him, you are unique and set apart. He meant what He said in the Scripture when He said that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. He even calls you beloved, doesn’t He? What He says about you is far more important than what others label you to be.

Because He is the One who created you and the Only One who will love you beyond beyondness— He loved you long before you even knew Him. 

Today, rest in the fact that the same God who created all the wonders of the world made you too. The same hands that cradled the sun, moon, and stars are the same hands that created, bled, and died for you.

You see, Satan only attacks what God has made beautiful. So when the enemy and the world tell you otherwise, remind them Who made you! You are a masterpiece because you are the Master’s piece.

By CLife Stream

CLife Stream provides devotionals articles along with audios and videos to help people build the values based on the Bible, be transformed in God’s words and grow in Jesus Christ. The team will distribute original content, collaborate with other Christian writers and organizations, and also collect online resource to help our audience receive grace and inspiration on various topics.

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