You Never Run Alone

In the 1992 Barcelona Olympics there was a British athlete, a runner, sprinter named Derek Hammond who was potential favorite in the 400 meter race. And he got off to a very good start and midway through the race, he ruptured his hamstring, fell to the ground. Every Olympic dream crushed knowing he didn’t have what it takes to finish the race. And in one of the most emotional moments in sports history, his dad who was in the crowd got up out of the stands and came down onto the track and carried his son to the finish line. When the son could not go on, the father carried the son to the finish.

What I hope you’ll understand is this. You never run alone. You never run alone. You never run alone. And that’s why you can be confident of this, “that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day that Christ Jesus returns.”(Philippians 1:6) Our God will carry it on. When you are weak, when he will be strong, You never run alone. You never run alone.

When you think about it, it’s an interesting question. Why is it that so many people quit? Why do so many people quit on their marriage? Why do they quit on their dream, why did they quit on God? Well, probably the most simple reason is because quitting is an option. Quitting is an option. What if it wasn’t an option for us when God calls us to it? What if, when we got married, we got married into a covenant, not a contract and said this is something till death do us part. What if when God calls us with a vision, with a dream we said, this is from God and what, if God is for us, who can be against us? And instead of walking away and quitting on God, what if we ran to him even in our doubts, even in our fears, even our disappointments and cried out to him saying, I don’t understand, I don’t trust you but I’m just clinging to you and I’m not letting go. Because you may see me struggle but you’ll never see me quit.

Why? Because we are disciples of Jesus, because he is the ultimate finisher, he is the author and he is the finisher of our faith. He started it and he will finish it. Somebody say, when I commit… When I commit… I don’t quit. I don’t quit. I’m a finisher. I’m a finisher. One more time. When I commit… When I commit… I don’t quit. I don’t quit. Because the author and the perfecter, the finisher of my faith dwells within me.

Related Message: When You Want to Give Up

By CLife Stream

CLife Stream provides devotionals articles along with audios and videos to help people build the values based on the Bible, be transformed in God’s words and grow in Jesus Christ. The team will distribute original content, collaborate with other Christian writers and organizations, and also collect online resource to help our audience receive grace and inspiration on various topics.

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