To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32
The greatest challenge in our faith would probably be self-righteousness and our own deeds. We say the law is our guardian or custodian. So it has very apparent limitations and is just something that gives the preparation for the real truth. It would be quite foolish and childish to think that it is everything. If you look at it attentively, Pharisees, those people who are constrained to the laws or customs, though they act mature like an adult thinking that they stand above them, the ones who actually wise and mature are prostitutes and tax collectors. Law is important for sure, but law without its ultimate goal and destination, the Gospel, has no freedom and is very low-level. But we, the spiritual Jews, tend to easily live in a rut, be led to the law and play hypocrite habitually.
What does truth contribute to us? Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). Truth gives us freedom, truth without freedom is meaningless. We truly wish to dwell in the Lord’s Word and be his disciples. Then we should know this truth and gain freedom. However, we may not even realize that we are bound and restrained, and simply ignore this fact. Eventually, our hearts will get troubled and weary. What we really ought to remember is, that there’s freedom in truth. If there’s no feeling of freedom or joy in us, the truth that we’ve been holding would probably not be the truth that Jesus wanted to grant us.
What is the truth that Apostle Paul is teaching us then? “Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura,” these all are pointing at, and are the channels to love. To the love of God and of Christ. Faith is not about anything but love. It is the real, true, practical relationship and fellowship of love with the Trinity God. The motivation of faith is out of love. By his blood, Christ set us free from sin. Now, faith is the only thing we need, to accept this unlimited grace and love of God, and to admit the fact that we are already free in Christ, and all powers and authorities that were given to those ancestors of faith in the Bible are already granted to us too. May we be the ones who have a true relationship of love with God.